Monday, 4 March 2013


So, having worked for several years in GW Manchester I came to realize what being a good painter meant.
 I had to get new releases painted by the release date and this could mean anything from a couple of tanks or single minis to sprawling armies on awe inspiring terrain. The team and I had to know it all! Not only to do our actual retail jobs but also to satisfy our hobby aspirations. Rarely did we just do a hobby task just because it had to be done. We did it and made it a pleasure, a pleasure through learning a new skill or it was the new release you had been waiting years for or a new game with new miniatures to explore in new scales etc etc.

The Tyranid releases were a fond example of a speed challenge for me because tyranids are a horde army with some awesome centre pieces, big ones. The Carnifex was a kit I Painted in a day, time was of the essence! Using a tank brush and Basecoat brush, clever use of devlan mud and some time managment I managed to do my retail job as well nail this bugger!
I was lucky though because GW had made an awesome kit and it pretty much painted itself :)

Working in this way and striving for speed and quality ("both/and" a GW  mantra I swear by) has taught me many things about what is and isn't necessary in painting professionally.

Work smarter AND harder.
