Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The GW glory days

I worked for GW on and off since i was 18 (1996) on and off and it did have its ups and downs but mainly ups and great ups at that! I love GW :)

It was at Gw that i discovered the wonder that is chaos black spray. Undercoating in black and then in a coloured spray became the secret to speed painting for me and this all came together on an ultramarines army I painted for Paul Evans at GW Manchester back in 2001/02 and it was under Paul's management that my hobby skills truly began to take shape.
If you're on facebook look em up. It is The best GW there is!!!

The lesson during this project was 'HAVE A SYSTEM AND A RHYTHM'. When painting the first mini for an army I create a 'route' around the model that i stick to for each mini of that type this way i do not have to think about where my next brush stroke will be, it's planned and programmed in.
With the route planned next comes speed, this is where rhythm comes in. *stroke, turn, stroke, stroke, turn, dot dot, stroke etc etc*
With the route and the rhythm programmed in then speeding up is easy because you have less to think about, it's all programmed in!

Till  next time kids :)


  1. GW Manchester is good it is where I first really discovered the hobby and the boards and dioramas that you guys made were incredible. I have fond memories of the board with the trench system in giving me lots of cover for my Eldar guardian blob to get across the board and using striking scorpions as troops in beginner games because I didn't know any better

  2. GW Manchester is of course one of the best. Good to see you there the other day Tommie.

    1. Also hit you up on Google Plus with people who you my find your work interesting and vice versa.

  3. Great pics there, always loved going into the shop (Aberdeen for me) and seeing big well painted army as there was always 1 mad painter in the group, we had 2!

    The rhythm is really good advice, i find i do this automatically now, as i paint by squads so its similar for each 5 models, so you do the same thing for each gun etc, same start and finish point.

    Its amazing how quick and uniform it makes everything.

    I will need this when i come to paint 30 DW terminators next month!!
